Tag: jaunty

Buat Repository Ubuntu di Hardisk Kita

Tutorial ini nyambung sama tutorial sebelumnya tentang APTonCD, output dari APTonCD itu kan sebuah file iso untuk di burn ke CD/DVD untuk dijadikan repository CD/DVD, tapi file iso tadi juga bisa kita gunakan langsung sebagai repository yang kita taruh dalam hardisk kita atau media lainnya (flash disk, external, dll)…

caranya adalah sebagai berikut :

  • extract file iso yang tadi disimpan (dalam laptop saya simpan di /media/bangfikri/Linux/) dengan cara klik kanan file lalu pilih “Extract Here” maka akan ada satu folder baru dengan nama file iso tadi, lalu rename folder tersebut dengan nama “repo” (bisa bebas namanya).
  • masuk ke dalam folder repo tadi lalu buat folder “dists”, dalam foder “dists”tadi  buat folder “ubuntu”, dalam folder “ubuntu” tadi buat folder “main”, dalam folder “main” tadi buat folder “binary-i386”, jadi urutan folder sbb: repo->dists->ubuntu->main->binary-i386
  • masuklah kembali ke folder repo, lalu cut folder “packages”, file Packages.bz2, dan Packages.gz, lalu paste (taruh) dalam folder “binary-i386” dan rename folder “packages” menjadi “Packages”.
  • buka Software Sources pada System->Administration->Software Sources lalu buka pada tab Third-Party Software

  • pada tab Third-Party Software klik +Add lalu ketikkan :

deb file:///media/bangfikri/Linux/repo ubuntu main

  • lalu Close dan Reload….
  • Selesai v^_^

untuk meng-install aplikasi bisa gunakan Application->Add/Remove atau di System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager…

proses instalasi akan menggunakan repo pada lokasi yang anda buat tadi, dalam tutorial ini akan mengambil dari /media/bangfikri/Linux/repo/, jadi folder ini bisa anda pindahkan ke penyimpanan manapun lalu mengganti path deb file:///media/bangfikri/Linux/repo ubuntu main ke path yang anda tempatkan…

Semoga berhasil! 🙂


Backup Aplikasi dan Membuat Repositorynya @Ubuntu ^_^

Setiap kita akan melakukan instalasi ulang pada komputer or laptop kita dengan OS Ubuntu, tentunya kita akan melakukan download ulang terhadap aplikasi2 yang sudah kita install sebelumnya melalui internet (kecuali kita sudah mempunyai DVD repository yang lengkap). Lalu bagaimana kita akan melakukan instalasi aplikasi (setelah isntalasi ulang linux) jika tidak ada DVD repository or koneksi internet?

APTonCD merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang bisa mem-backup packages2 aplikasi2 yang sudah kita install sebelum-nya dan dari packages aplikasi yang ada kita dapet membuat CD/DVD repository sendiri menggunakan aplikasi ini dengan isi aplikasi pada repository yang kita buat sesuai dengan aplikasi2 yang kita butuhkan saja.

langsung saja kita mulai dari instalasi APTonCD dengan mengetikkan perintah sbb :

sudo apt-get install aptoncd

atau bisa juga melalui System>Adminstration>Synaptic Package Manager

setelah instalasi selesai lalu jalankan APTonCD dari System>Adminstration>APTonCD

untuk membuat backup aplikasi2 klik Create lalu APTonCD akan men-scan aplikasi yang terinstall pada Ubuntu anda dan package2 yg di donlot sbb :

setelah itu kita bisa menambahkan package2 lain yang ada di hardisk or tempat penyimpanan lain dengan meng-klik tombol Add lalu pilih folder/file package yg akan kita masukkan sebagai repo buatan kita.

setelah seluruh package sudah di Add, maka saatnya kita buat repository kita sendiri dengan mengklik tombol Burn sbb:

Pilih lokasi tempat menyimpan file iso pada Destination of the image(s) lalu klik Apply dan proses akan berjalan seperti ini :

setelah itu akan muncul pertanyaan untuk burning file iso tadi ke CD/DVD sbb :

Backup selesai deh ^_^


untuk melakukan restore aplikasi yang sudah dibuatkan iso tadi klik Restore di jendela awal APTonCD lalu pilih file iso yang akan direstore ke ubuntu kita.

Load dan pilih file iso yang kita buat tadi :

baru deh kita load software2nya, trus pilih software/aplikasi mana aja yang mo kita install! Okeh…

Selamat Mencoba v^_^


How to Remove The Annoying Update manager Pop-up in Ubuntu Jaunty

For those who are using Ubuntu Jaunty, you will notice that there is a change in the way the system notifies you to upgrade software. In the past, an icon will appear on the system tray whenever there is new update available. In Ubuntu Jaunty, instead of showing the icon, the update manager will now pop up the window as and when it detects new update. While this is a good way to grab the user attention and get them to upgrade to the latest software version promptly, it can be pretty annoying for many, especially when you are in the midst of your work. To make it worst, if you close it without updating, it will keep on popping up in regular interval until you have upgraded your system.

Luckily, you can turn off this pop up feature easily and switch back to the old icon-appear-at-system-tray mode.

Open up a terminal, type


This will load up the gconf editor window

Navigate to Apps->Update Notifier. On the right, unchecked the auto_launch box. Close the window.

That s it.

To recover the auto launch pop up function, simply repeat the above step, but place a check in the auto_launch box.

Alternative method (via the terminal)

If you are just plain lazy, here s a much easier step.</p> <p>In your terminal, type the following command:

gconftool -s –type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false

To recover:

gconftool -s –type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch true


Ubuntu Accomplishments – Seesmic Desktop Install

The machine on which I do most of my work is not terribly robust. My work environment would make a good premise for a Disney movie..you know..old clunker equipment doesn t look like it should be able to pull through manages to win the race. Anyway, Seesmic Desktop in all it s glory was dragging this machine down. Everything would work fine but I needed one more reboot than normal throughout the day. On days like today, when the work was too intense, I just couldn t run Seesmic Desktop (maybe not a bad thing). Now that I ve successfully installed Seesmic Desktop on Ubuntu, it can run all the time and I can occasionally glance over at the streams to see what s happening. Installing Seesmic Desktop on Ubuntu was incredibly easy. First <a href=”http://sizlopedia.com/2008/04/06/how-to-install-adobe-air-on-ubuntu”&gt;install Adobe Air</a> then install Seesmic Desktop:

  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Use wget to download http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/lin/download/1.5/AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
  3. Set the file to be executable: chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
  4. Run it: sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
  5. Accept any AIR updates
  6. Use wget to download Seesmic Desktop from http://d.seesmic.com/seesmic/SeesmicDesktop-0.2.1.air
  7. On the Ubuntu desktop, not terminal, look under Applications-&gt;Accessories or Applications-&gt;Other for Adobe AIR Application Installer and run it
  8. Select SeesmicDesktop-0.2.1.air and the normal Seesmic Desktop installer will run

That s it! Frankly, I think Seesmic Desktop is performing much better on Ubuntu than Windows. My only complaint would be that it failed to put a shortcut in the Applications menu.


How to Install Ubuntu in Windows

Here at MakeTechEasier, we ve touched on Wubi here and there but have never really gone into detail on exactly what it can do and how it works. According to the website,

Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way…

That sums it up pretty well. You can use your Windows (98, 2000, XP, Vista) Control Panel to add/remove it as easily as any other Windows app.

The key thing about Wubi (Windows based Ubuntu Installer) is that you do not have to do any partitioning. It simply creates a file in Windows that both systems treat as if it s a separate partition. You can choose the size of that file when you install.

In Windows, download the Wubi installer here. The initial options can be set at the main screen.

When choosing the drive to host your new Ubuntu installation, try to pick your C drive if possible. I ve had nothing but bad luck trying to run a Wubi installation from a drive partition other than the one running Windows. Also, when it comes the deciding how much space to allocate to Ubuntu, I wouldn t suggest going much below 20Gb if you plan to get much done.

Note the Desktop Environment option in the lower left corner. With Wubi, you have the option of four versions of Ubuntu:

  • Ubuntu  With GNOME, the standard option
  • Kubuntu  With KDE, a more  Windowsy desktop
  • Xubuntu  With XFCE, more lightweight than GNOME or KDE
  • Mythbuntu  A PVR system using MythTV and XFCE

Once you re ready to install, you ll have to wait for the full ISO to download.

How it works

While we re waiting for the download, we might as well go over exactly what s happening. Instead of creating a partition to hold Linux and all its files, Wubi creates a loop device inside a file (typically C:\Ubuntu\disks\root.disk), which Windows treats as if it was a separate partition or hard drive.

When you boot the computer, you ll see the Windows bootloader asking which OS to boot. If you choose Ubuntu, the Windows bootloader opens the file Wubi created earlier, and the Linux inside thinks it s running on a typical Linux partition.

Finishing Up

I found that doing the Ubuntu 9.04 install over Wubi was quite comfortable and clear. I ve suggested Wubi to a few potential converts, and I think I ll continue to do so. In particular, I like how easy Wubi makes it to choose which of the various Ubuntu flavors to install. I think that makes it a little easier for people to try out something they d otherwise never think to download. I look forward to seeing what the developers come up with in the future.


Repository Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Indonesia

Berikut daftar server repositori lokal yang menyediakan paket-paket untuk Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope :

mirror.cbn.net.id (OpenIXP)

  1. deb http://ubuntu.cbn.net.id/Ubuntu jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb http://ubuntu.cbn.net.id/Ubuntu jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb http://ubuntu.cbn.net.id/Ubuntu jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb http://ubuntu.cbn.net.id/Ubuntu jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb http://ubuntu.cbn.net.id/Ubuntu jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

kambing.ui.edu (UI, Telkom, Indosat, OpenIXP, INHERENT

  1. deb http://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb http://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb http://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb http://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb http://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

http://www.foss-id.web.id (Telkom)

  1. deb http://dl2.foss-id.web.id/ubuntu jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb http://dl2.foss-id.web.id/ubuntu jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb http://dl2.foss-id.web.id/ubuntu jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb http://dl2.foss-id.web.id/ubuntu jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb http://dl2.foss-id.web.id/ubuntu jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

ftp.itb.ac.id (ITB, INHERENT)

  1. deb ftp://ftp.itb.ac.id/pub/ubuntu jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb ftp://ftp.itb.ac.id/pub/ubuntu jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb ftp://ftp.itb.ac.id/pub/ubuntu jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb ftp://ftp.itb.ac.id/pub/ubuntu jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb ftp://ftp.itb.ac.id/pub/ubuntu jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

indika.net.id (OpenIXP)

  1. deb http://ubuntu.indika.net.id/ jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb http://ubuntu.indika.net.id/ jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb http://ubuntu.indika.net.id/ jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb http://ubuntu.indika.net.id/ jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb http://ubuntu.indika.net.id/ jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse


  1. deb http://komo.vlsm.org/ubuntu jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb http://komo.vlsm.org/ubuntu jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb http://komo.vlsm.org/ubuntu jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb http://komo.vlsm.org/ubuntu jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb http://komo.vlsm.org/ubuntu jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

Buat nambahnya bisa pake terminal sbb :

1. buka Application > Accessories > Terminal

2. trus ketikin perintah :

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

3. semua baris di file sources.list ditambahin # di depannya

4. trus tambahin deh daftar repository di atas yang mau di pake tinggal copy paste ajah

5. trus update daftar repositorynya deh dengan mengetikkan perintah :

sudo apt-get update

Semoga Bermanfaat! ^_^